Discover Your Turf Type
If you are trying to identify your current turf type or looking for the best type of lawn to install at your property, view the descriptions below of the most commonly found sod types here in the Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Chapel Hill, Apex, Holly Springs, Wake Forest, & other Triangle, NC areas.
Bermuda Grass
The most commonly found Warm Season turf here in North Carolina, Bermuda is known for its easy maintenance and ability to withstand our summer heat.
Sign up for a Warm Season Fertilization & Weed Management Program here.
Features of Bermuda grass:
High traffic / wear tolerance
Does well in extreme heat and in a drought
Does not do well in shade
On the lower end of maintenance (time & dollars)
Typically an invasive turf, will take over if other grasses are present
Read more about Bermuda on North Carolina State University’s TurfFiles by clicking here.
Fescue Grass
Here in North Carolina, Fescue is the most widely grown Cool Season Turf easily recognized by its thick, dark green blades.
Sign up for a Cool Season tailored turf Fertilization & Weed Management Program here.
Features of Fescue Grass:
Lower traffic / wear tolerance
Great color year round
Found everywhere from golf courses to backyards
Typically still thrives in shade
Higher maintenance is required (time & dollars)
Read more about Fescue turf on NC State Extension’s TurfFiles by clicking here.
Zoysia Grass
Another Warm Season grass that often is confused with Bermuda. The main difference between Bermuda and Zoysia is that Zoysia grass has hairs standing upright on the blades and is more resistant.
Sign up for a Zoysia tailored turf Fertilization & Weed Management Program here.
Features of Zoysia grass:
High traffic / wear tolerance
Dense texture
Grows in full sun or partial shade
Fairly drought tolerant
In addition to traditional Zoysia- Zenith and Zeon are other types of Zoysia turfs. Zenith is a great option when replacing existing Fescue due to the similar appearance. Zeon often is lush allowing the thick grass to block out weeds.
Read more about Zoysia grasses on NC State Extension TurfFiles by clicking here.
Descriptions given are general details. No description is guaranteed. Proper care including treatments and watering is often required to maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn. Sign up for our NC turf tailored Lawn Fertilization & Weed Management Programs for the best opportunity to reach your ultimate lawn goals.
To identify weeds on your property, visit NC STATE EXTENSION TurfFiles Weed Identification page here.